We The Protesters
The possum is Eleventy’s mascot
11ty.dev Style Guide
Eleventy 1.93s
Astro 22.90s


Home Header

Docs Header

Footer Navigation


Inline List

Number Flags

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Number Flags in Headings

Step 1 Notice how the border disappears under the flag

Step 2 Do a thing

Step 3 Do a thing

Step 4 Do a thing


“Seriously can't remember enjoying using a Static Site Generator this much. Yes Hugo is rapid, but this is all so logical. It feels like it was designed by someone who has been through lots of pain and success using other SSGs.”—GitHub Avatar for philhawksworthPhil Hawksworth


Inline Buzzwords

This Buzzword is in a header

This Buzzword is in a header



Buzzword Lists


Unstyled box with an inline Code block
Custom Label
Unstyled box with an inline Code block
Super long custom label that we want to wrap nicely—does it?
Unstyled box with an inline Code block
Default message with an inline Code block
Default info message with an inline Code block
Default warning message with an inline Code block
Default error message with an inline Code block
Default demo with an inline Code block. Default demo with an inline Code block. Default demo with an inline Code block.

Sticky info block

Use the elv-callout-sticky class to affix to the top of the viewport while scrolling.

OpenGraph card

OpenGraph image for https://www.meetup.com/JAMstack-Toronto/events/281278073/ The 11ties: 11 Minute Talks about 11ty on 11/11